Be Still and…

This year I wasn’t very motivated to choose a word of the year. In years past, I truly embraced my chosen word or phrase and intentionally grounded myself there.Last year, my…

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Not My Way Maker
What happens when God doesn't make the way?

Not My Way Maker

This song is one of my favorites, one of those that stops all conversation and gets turned up in the car. Every time I hear this song, the lyrics tighten my chest…

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Alone in the Storm

  • Post category:Adoption
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Alone. Abandoned. Disappointed. Isolated. Forgotten. This is how waiting often feels.Waiting through a holiday season can be particularly difficult. For months I had a imagined celebrating Christmas with a new…

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Breaking Down the Boxes I Built

As a school librarian, I'm really into story telling. Sharing our stories is important for making connections and helping others through their tough stuff. If my story can help a…

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